@extends('layouts.affiliates') @section('content')
Information about the borrower
@php($user = $loan->user)User uploaded documents will show up here
No documents available
@endif @if($loan->status == 2) Loan Fulfillment Doc @endifActions you can perform on the loan at each stage shows up here
S/N | Total Amount | Collected Date | Amount Paid | Due Date | Payment Proof | Payment Method | Status | |
{{$i}} | {{number_format($plan->totalAmount,2)}} | {{$plan->date_paid}} | @if($plan->status == 1) {{number_format($plan->paid_amount,2)}} @endif | {{$plan->payday}} | @if($plan->payment_proof)View | @elseNo proof | @endif{{$plan->collection_mode}} | @if($plan->status) Paid @else Not Paid @endif |
# | Total Amount | Due Date | Balance | Collected Date | Payment Proof | Payment Method | Status | |
{{$loop->iteration}} | ₦{{ number_format($plan->totalAmount, 2)}} | {{$plan->payday}} | @if($loop->iteration === $loan->loanRequest->duration) ₦0.00 @else ₦{{ number_format($plan->balance, 2) }} @endif | {{$plan->date_paid}} | @if($plan->payment_proof)View | @elseNo proof | @endif{{$plan->collection_mode}} | @if($plan->status) Paid @else Not Paid @endif |
Repayments not found |